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A Waterford man has been posting gas notices around the city, and they're going viral

Things he needs: a tag team partner, a wedding date, and someone to help him get his friend out of jail. No bother.

LIVE IN WATERFORD? Seen one of this guy’s notices? Then why aren’t you helping him, you heartless fiends?

For the past few weeks, Waterford resident Michael has been posting detailed notices all around the city, seeking a wide variety of services.

It all began back in June when Michael posted the above notice for a new best friend, following an “acrimonious game of Monopoly” with his former BFF, Kevin.

Left unsated by his first notice, he continued with his search for a wrestling tag team partner, so he could finally defeat the WWE Prime Time Players.

Then came the appeal for a date to bring to his sister’s wedding (strong interest in karate advisable):

And a songwriting partner to sing with him about dolphins and Andre the Giant:

Michael’s interests then expanded to fitness:

Most recently though, he’s been looking for an accomplice to help him break his friend Colin out of prison. The plans are foolproof.

Michael’s notices have made their way out of Waterford and into the wider world – the notice about the wedding date proved very popular, garnering over 550 retweets and attracting the interest of the Daily Mail:


Australian website Mama Mia also got wind of it, and was slightly incredulous about the whole thing:


The Daily Mail called Michael an ‘eccentric’, while Mama Mia appeared to take him entirely seriously:

For someone who has resorted to poster-plastering, Michael has some pretty explicit specifications… As charming as this sounds, we’re going to have to pass.

We don’t mind your specifications, Michael. If you do need a tag team partner, wedding date, or criminal accomplice, we’d be happy to oblige. Call us.

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